The President is not the French President but the President of Miviludes.
The miviludes is a gouvernment agency which observes religious sects
and is committed to garantee respect for republican values and fundamental rights. The UMP is a political party.The daily Miviludes aims to prevent as many of the risks inherent in certain practices harmful to freedom, physical and mental integrity and dignity of man, found in certain religious sects.
The Jehovahs witnesses have , over several years, been pursuing the miviludes in justice to try and force them to take off their website , under the heading, " Be informed and act", extracts from a book by an ex JW , Nicolas Jacquette, entitled, Nicolas 25 years old, escaped from the jehovahs witnesses.
The actual court decision is typically long and legally worded, but, in a nutshell, the jws lost. So now they are appealing before the highest court possible ( God apart of course) the European court of justice.